Critter Pictures


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[ Cottontail ]

We have a lively batch of cottontails around every year. Our next door neighbors' wood pile
provides an excellent place for them. Every morning and evening we see several running
around our yard eating weeds and grass. Some are not very shy of humans and will sit
very still when you walk up to them.

[ Cottontail ]

During the hot spell this June when the temperature was 100 degrees or higher
for a two-week stretch, the rabbits did their best to stay cool. One created
a depression under our deer grass.

[ Cottontail ]

Another one liked to spread out on the rocks against our garage.

[ Cottontail ]

With all the rabbits around, I need to keep an eye out for little ones like this
when I am trimming weeds in the yard.

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Photographs by WB9VGJ