Critter Pictures

Bull - The Saga of

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[ Bull ]

Picture 1

This bull (Picture 1) came close to be being adopted by my wife. Cattle roam the area around us as
(as well as pronghorn antelope) as it is open range - we had 19 cows in our yard one day. Our one
neighbor's wife used to feed this bull behind their fence. The bull was wearing a trail along the west
side of our lot by their fence to travel north and south as we were the only unfenced residents on
our side of the street.
(scroll down)

[ Bull ]

Picture 2

The bull would often lie down in the shade next to our house and watched us intently (as in Picture 2)
one evening as we were washing a car in the drive. The day our fence was being installed, the bull
came to get his free hay, but the rear fence had been put up. As he couldn't get through, he chose to
simply sit down. Not wanting him fenced in, I asked the neighbor to entice him out of the yard. He
succeeded in getting him about 3/4 of the way to the front when he decided to not go further.
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[ Bull ]

Picture 3

The neighbor on the other side drove over with some hay in the pickup which she put across the street.
The bull saw the hay and wanted to get to it, but the fence was between him and the hay, so he just
walked up to the fence, stood there and stared at the hay (Picture 3).
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[ Bull ]

Picture 4

So, the fence installer went over to the pile of hay and tried to coax the bull out through the gate
(Picture 4). The bull wouldn't walk through the open gate, but instead squeezed himself under
the top rail of the portion of the fence on the side of the inset to the gate (the fence material had
not yet been installed there): luckily, the top rail wasn't fastened down and he got under it.
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[ Bull ]

Picture 5

After the fence was completed, the bull would hang around by our front gate looking kind of forlorn
wondering where his hay was (Picture 5) (This only lasted a couple of days.). Since this experience,
the song "Don't Fence Me In" has a whole new meaning for me.

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Photographs by WB9VGJ