Critter Pictures

Last updated 18 OCT 2011.
Plateau Fence Lizard

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[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

The little lizard above has staked out his territory on and around one corner of our
patio. Most every morning he can be seen warming himself up on a stack of spare roof
tile stacked there, which is where he was when I took the picture above. There are lots
of these lizards around here. We have seen two babies, but haven't had a chance to take a
picture of them. They are extremely cute and extremely fast.

(scroll down)

[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

Lizard love.

[ Plateau Lizard ]

The result of lizard love. This is by far the smallest baby lizard we have come across so far.

[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

Lizard in the Cotoneaster

[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

The lizards really liked crawling around on our window screens this year.

[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

Here's a baby on the screen. Notice the relationship to the screen size and the baby.

[ Plateau Fence Lizard ]

Here's another baby on the windowsill.

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Photographs by WB9VGJ