The Humble Abode

Last updated 14 APR 2012.

September 2011

Click pictures to enlarge.

Satellite photo
Circa May 2011
[ Satellite Photo ]

June & July 2002

Our first look
upon arrival in
First look from
across the street
After fence was installed
[ House ] [ House ] [ House ] [ House ]

Summer/Fall 2005

This year, our landscaping really took off, growth wise. Our cottoneaster in
the front yard grew so large is started to cover the little swale next to the drive,
so it had to be trimmed back.

Front Yard Front Yard Cottoneaster
Deer Grass Nandina
Salvia Greggii
& Red Yucca
[ Front Yard ] [ Front Yard ] [ Front Yard ] [ Deer Grass ] [ Back Yard ]

We had a good crop of yellow wildflowers again this year they were even better
than in years past.

Front & East East Front West Front Close Up Mixed Wildflowers
[ Yellow Flowers ] [ Yellow Flowers ] [ Yellow Flowers ] [ Yellow Flowers ] [ Yellow Flowers ]